Thursday, April 29, 2010

ko mkn ke belajar?

hahah..helo guys..jumpe lagi di entry yang baru..seperti sebelum ni..mungkin agak pendek..kerasan esok ade paper maa..haha..nak gak berblogging even esok ade paper...hehe..tak pe la..lagi pun ak nak taip content tuk esok nye paper..kire mcm ak revise gak la kan..haha...
ok..esok ak ad epaper takaful..hope paper esok ok..hope sgt..huhu..Click Me~.

here the content..ade 9 chapter...

1.introduction to insurance2.risk and uncertainty in human life3.insurance in various system
4.assessmetn of modern contract of insurance
5.history of takaful
6.central idea and general priciples(ni panjang sikit...uhu)
7.external facto tah effecting takaful and insurance policy
8.takaful operational mechanism9.values in takaful governance

ok..tu cerita ak menelaah..sesuai ngan title..haha..sambil belajar jgn tak mkn..hehe..ak tak mo cite panjang la..ni gambor kami mkn2 and minum2 td..wakak..hehe

sebesar air..tp dahaga lagi..haha

hehe..kongsi la senarnye...hehe

pastu mkn sushi plak..hihi..

mane tak bertambah cm die sekeliling bdn ak..heheh... k la..sleep asus~~

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